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| san lucas

Simply Grateful

Chapter 29:
O Light
(A Christmas Prayer from San Lucas)

The Christmas scene inside the churhc.

Candles light the way for the posada, the advent processions throughout town remembering the steps the Holy Family took towards Bethlehem and the birth of Jesus.

light unseen, hidden in darkness, waiting

     o patience be mine

in time of fulfillment you will break upon us
not as a mighty wave
but gently, firmly, steadily

     o peace

the time is right

     o come

now must come the challenge of your word
now must your voice be clear
now must your hands be grasped
your eyes seen
your presence celebrated

     o be with us
     o be near to me

light divine this night is ending
you dawn
you dawn at last
with angel shouts and heartbeats of delight
you are come
you are arrived

     o child

sweet babe lay still in my arms
rest against me
I smile, rest sweetly

     o light of my hope

you will one day hold me in an embrace
of which I cannot dream
I shelter you now from dark and chill
you in your hour will banish all obscure
you by your heart-fire will melt all frozen

     o burn

and I will be set free
and I will see as am seen

     o divine

in the light of you joy
in the love of you all courage
in the light of you justice
in the love of you all light


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