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| san lucas

Simply Grateful

Chapter 22:
Confirmed By The Spirit

Monseñor Paredes anoints young Juan Francisco.

Monseñor Paredes with Father John Frances Brandes (left), Father John Goggin (right), and the family of a newly confirmed member of the Parroquia.

     For 150 young people of the parish of San Lucas, Sunday the 26th of October was a unique and important day. The 10:00 a.m. Mass included the celebration of their reception of the sacrament of Confirmation. At that liturgy, these youth became full members of the Catholic Church.

     These candidates for Confirmation came not only from the town of San Lucas but also from several nearby communities. They prepared for this day by meeting regularly in small groups with catechists, or teachers. They also have had sponsors to teach and guide them and to be Catholic Christian models for them. They learned what it means to be a Christian, who Jesus is, what salvation is, and what it means to belong to the Catholic expression of the Body of Christ.

    Their learning does not end on this day, with the reception of this sacrament. Discovery of what it means to belong to Jesus continues and greatly deepens throughout adulthood.

     Normally, a bishop administers the sacrament of Confirmation. Since there has yet to be a successor to the late Bishop Eduardo Fuentes, Monseñor Raul Antonio Martinez Paredes from the diocesan office (Diocese of Sololá-Chimaltenango) was present. This was his third and last Confirmation liturgy within the geographically large parish; the first was in Colonia Pampojilá the previous afternoon and the second, in Santa Cruz Quixayá, had begun only three hours earlier.

     The 150 candidates and their sponsors assembled in front of the church at 9:30. They formed two lines extending across the long churchyard and into the street. Each wore a nametag; each small group that prepared together for this day had a unique style to its nametag.

     After they processed into the church, they filled almost every bench. Even temporary chairs set up in the entries were not enough for the rest of the congregation. Many people, including family members of those receiving this sacrament, had to stand outside on the front and side steps.

     After the Gospel reading, each of the catechists stepped to the podium to introduce his or her group to Monseñor Paredes and to the whole assembly. Each group stood and was recognized. The homily followed, in which Monseñor challenged the candidates to fully live the Christian life. He comforted them with a reminder that they have a God who knows them and who has told them that their faith can and will conquer all fear.

     After these words, the candidates lit the candles they had been holding and were asked to respond I believe to each segment of the Apostles’ Creed. This ended with the words, "This is our faith. This is the faith of our church. We are proud to profess it in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen!"

     Following the creed, Monseñor Paredes led the congregation in a time of prayer for the candidates. He then blessed the chrism, the oil used in the sacrament. Each candidate came to the steps of the sanctuary to be marked with the oil, to receive Confirmation, to be fully welcomed into the Catholic Christian community.

     Mass continued with the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The newly confirmed, with the whole community, received Jesus in his Body and Blood. They received food for the journey of life and faith, the nourishment needed for the task of working together in love and peace to build up the Kingdom of God.

     The preparations for and the celebration of the sacrament of Confirmation have ended. These 150 young people have been sealed with full membership in the Body of Christ and have received in full measure the Gift and gifts of the Holy Spirit. The challenge now theirs, as it is
for all Christians, to choose to use their gifts in loving and serving God and neighbor.


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